Joint Headline shows with Iona Lane

Big gig news! I’m playing some shows with the wonderful Iona Lane! In between gigs with Iona I’ve got two dates in Scotland.

27/07 - Joint headline gig with Iona Lane at Grassington Village Hall. Tickets at £8 in advance or £10 OTD:

28/08-House Concert Leith, Edinburgh (contact me for Details)

01/08-Nova Scotia Folk Club, Glasgow

02/08 - Joint headline gig with Iona Lane at Hyde Park Book Club, Leeds. Tickets at £8 in advance or £10 OTD:

03/08 - Joint headline gig with Iona Lane at The Gregson Centre, Lancaster. Tickets at £8 (£6 concessions) in advance or £10 (£8 concessions) OTD:

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